FSO Cendor was located 140km from the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia at Cendor Field. The field is operated by Petrofac Malaysia and the facilities consisted of a Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU) and the FSO.

Conversion work took place between October 2005 and September 2006. The FSO was towed out and installed in the Cendor field in September 2006, with First Oil received in the same month.

The FSO was spread moored at a water depth of 63m. She had 7 storage tanks with maximum capacity of 75,000m3 and was equipped with facilities to tandem moor offtake tankers at her bow and stern. Her designed loading rate was 30,000bbl/day and offloading rate was 14,000bbl/hr. The FSO was designed to accommodate tankers of between 60,000 and 150,000 SDWT.


After a longer than expected operational life of 5 years, the FSO was demobilised in October 2014 after 8 years at site. We are proud to have been the chosen O&M operator for the FSO from pre-operations work at the conversion yard and O&M for the entire duration of service from 2006 to 2014 including the demobilisation work for the FSO in 2014.

During the O&M phase, the FSO was operated at an average uptime in excess of 99% with zero Lost Time Injuries recorded during its entire service period.

  • Vessel Name
    FSO Cendor
  • Field Name
  • Location and Water Depth
    Block PM304. Water depth: 63m
    Approximately 140km off Terengganu coast, Peninsular Malaysia

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